Beauty Secrets: Kirti Kulhari

Kirti Kulhari started making the shift to organic skin and hair care a few years ago and the actress says it has made a world of difference to how she feels from within, as well as physically. The beautiful actress has now become the face of The Tribe Concepts’ (TTC) Collagen Boosting Kit, which offers a Collagen Boosting Mask and Shilajitadi Thailam. The Shaadisthan actress spoke to TMM about her association with TTC and her skincare regime.

What have been some of the problem areas when it comes to your skin?
I had clear, flawless skin till my mid-20s when I started getting acne. I met a dermatologist and she told me that it will go away on its own once I reach 30. It bothered me a lot at that time and I took some treatment for the acne as well. As she said, it disappeared once I was around 28 or so. Currently, I have no skin problems. Also, I have stopped worrying if I get a pimple here or there once in a while.

How did you come to know about TTC and what did you find impressive about their products?
Last year during the lockdown, TTC sent me their Face Brightening Daily Cleanser to use. What I really love about their products is that they are raw and come in powder form, so I can mix it up with different things like milk, water or curd depending on how my skin is feeling that day. The ingredients are organic and natural. I like their ubtans and hair cleansers as well. Their products make my skin and hair feel healthy and beautiful.

Tell us about your association with TTC and being the face of the Collagen Boosting Kit.
I have realized that people take me seriously when it comes to skincare, so it is important that I represent brands that are actually good and trying to make a difference. My inherent support goes to homegrown brands and organic skincare. I started shifting to organic skincare in the past few years. Being the face of the Collagen Boosting Kit is something that I didn’t have to think about. I believe in their products and their ideologies, where they source their material from, and what they are offering to the customers. It’s that belief that makes me want to support them and I am really happy to be associated with them.

Your skin has a beautiful, healthy glow. Can you tell us how you take care of your skin, from within and outside?
I have stopped worrying about a lot of things in life. I have problems but just the fact that I am learning to find solutions and not worry about the problems is a huge shift in my attitude towards life. Lower stress levels and having a better capacity to cope with stress really make a difference in how you look. Also at the same time, eating healthy is very important. I stopped consuming white sugar and white flour three years ago and that has made a real difference to my skin. A shift towards a healthy lifestyle with exercise, weight training, and yoga is again a huge reason for the good health showing on my face. I believe there should be balance in life. Also, I don’t apply products that have chemicals in them. On days that I am not shooting, I generally go without make-up. A happy and peaceful you will always show on the outside.

Are there any home remedies you swear by?
I have always been into home remedies. When I was a teenager, I would soak rice in water before heading to school and once I was back, I would make a paste of the rice, add malai to it and apply it as a pack. Using a pack of besan, curd and turmeric also work well. Multani mitti packs are also beneficial for skin. When I am not sure of my skin, I reach for pure aloe vera.

Long working hours, makeup and being in front of the camera brings its share of hair and skin woes. How do make your skin relax after a long day of work?
Yes, make-up can take its own toll. I use two makeup removers that are oil-based formulas. Under-eye creams have also become very important to me in the past 2-3 years. I try and not spend much time in air-conditioned spaces. I use TTC’s kumkumadi oil mixed with a bit of aloe vera if the weather is humid. A lot of repairs happens at night so it’s important that you apply something on your face that nourishes and hydrates it. A bit of face massage before I apply make-up or before sleeping at night is also essential. Nothing can replace healthy food and a good night’s sleep. My hair doesn’t require as much pampering as my skin. When I’m not shooting, I don’t use blow dryers or heating devices on my hair. I use leave-in conditioners and oil them once a week.

How much importance do you give to diet and exercise?
A lot! I think exercising should be a part of everyone’s life on a daily basis. When it comes to diet, I really believe in the ideology of Ayurveda that says that it’s not what you can eat but what you can digest. You might be eating the healthiest of foods but if you are not able to digest it, then there is no point. You have to be mindful of what you eat and how your body responds to it. Making some simple changes in life goes a long way in keeping you healthy and strong.

Can you give us three tips for hair and skincare that you recommend for everyone?
Oiling your hair once a week, taking care of your under-eye area and keeping it moisturized, and using body scrubs are some things I recommend for everyone. Also, just applying pure honey or very good quality glycerine on your face also hydrates your skin.